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Marina Tsvetayeva - Комедьянт (Komedʹyant) Лирицс транслатион то енглисх



Night I recall at tale end of November.
Fog and rain. Upon a lantern's light
Strange and full of doubt, your look tender,
For – Dickensian – dull and hazy to sight,
Feverish chest, like sea in the winter...
Your tender look before a lantern's light.
And the wind blew, and twisted staircase...
From your lips did not take the eye away,
Half-laughing, in a knot twisting the fingers,
I stood like a little Muse,
Innocent – like the hour latest...
And the wind blew, and staircase would twist.
And to me from – under the tired eyelids
The host of doubtful hopes flowed.
Touching the lips, breakfast sneaked past...
Thus the seraph, stored and languid,
With the mysterious sacredness of clothes,
Seduces world under the tired eyelids.
Today again is the Dickensian night.
And pours the rain, and assist I cannot
Not me, not you – and still splash the pipes,
And staircase flies... and the same lips...
And hurrying aside the same step -
There – where – then – into Dickensian night.
Little of the wrists
We were dragging along?
What for you of wrists
Given – mine?
All around just about -
What is cat and mouse?
No, my falcon, with the eyes
They stare – not with mouth!
It's not love, but fever! Light
Battle's sly and full of lies.
Now it's nauseous, next day sweet,
Now he's dead, next day alive.
Battle rages. Both are laughing:
How intelligent are they!
By both heroine and hero
I am charmed in every way.
Viewer, a battle - or a dance now?
This a sword - or cattle stick?
Step ahead - three steps back now,
Three steps forward - one step back.
Mouth like honey, in the eyes, trust,
But already raised, the brow.
It's hypocrisy, not love now,
It is acting, and not love!
And result of these (parentheses -
Uncommitted so far) sins -
Will be of astounding poems
A stack oh-so-very thin.
With ends of shawl
I knit your despair.
And here without shawl
I sing for the squares.
Withdraw the curse!
I am your mistress!
You can't be friends with me, you can't be loving me!
O beautiful eyes, look carefully!
A longboat has to sail, and the mill has to turn.
Is it for you to stop a heart as it whirls?
The notebook by the hand - you won't be lord up high!
Is it not enough at comedy to sigh?
The cross of love is heavy - and we won't touch it.
Yesterday's day is gone - and we will keep it.
I am kissing the hair or the air?
Eyelids – or breeze over them of the wind?
Lips – or sigh over my lips?
Neither to recognize nor to conjure.
Knowing but this: with a blissful epoch,
Stringy and scary with the king's epic
It will pause...
Thus the cloud’s short sign did breathe.
Friend! All will come on the earth – halleluiah!
You and love – and no one will resurrect.
But will keep my dark song
Voice and hair: strings and jets.
I will not calm down until I have seen,
I will not calm down until I can hear.
Until your look I see,
Until your word I hear.
What – it doesn't converge – is the muteness!
Who will my mistake correct?
Salty – salty the heart is gotten and
Your smile is sweet?
“Broad!” - my grandsons have written on the urn,
And I repeat – weak and stubborn:
I will not calm down until I have seen,
Until I can hear I won’t calm down.
You are forgetful and unforgettable.
Ah, you look like your smile!
To say more? More beautiful than morning of gold!
To say more? Once in universe all!
You are young prisoner of war,
Cellini’s hand sculpted bowl.
Friend, permit me with ancient harmony
To say love, most tender in the world.
I love you. There is wind in the fireplace.
Leaning – stare into the fireplace heat -
I love you. My love is innocent.
And I speak like a little kid.
Friend! All will pass! The temples clenched with palms,
Life will unclench! Young prisoner of war,
Love will let go of you, but – inspired -
My winged voice prophesies all -
Of that, which once lived in the world -
Forgetful and unforgettable, you are.
The quiet laugh
Opening the teeth
And light insolence of squinting eyes.
I love you! I love your lips and your teeth,
(All can be said – thousand times!)
I had time to love – wait, stand! -
I recall: good are your hands!
In debt won't remain I, and for – take it easy -
I’ll repay the soul with unchangeable money.
Laugh! May in in current night get the dreams
Of my hollowed way – smile of the cheeks.
But for free – no need! Exchange - let us so -
A coin for a penny: a laugh for a poem!
No laughter or anger:
To common sense,
To clear sun, and
To the white snow -
I loved:
Muddy midnight,
Flattering fiddle,
Holiday thoughts.
To this heart
Homeland is Sparta.
Do you remember the fox,
The Spartan's heart?
Better to hide
The fox under clothes,
That conceal you,
Jealousy and tenderness!
I no longer need you,
Dear one – and not because
From first mail – you did not write.
And not because these lines,
Written with sorrow,
You will disassemble – laughing.
(Written by me alone -
To you alone – At first go! -
Will disenchant – not one ever.)
And not that your curls
Touched upon the cheeks – master
And me can read together!
And not because together
Over the capitals unclear!
You won't breathe in, bending.
And not because in concert
Eyelids suddenly joined – hard
Is the - give to him – poems handwriting –
No, friend! It is more simple,
It is easier than annoyance:
I no longer need you -
For this reason – for this reason -
I no longer need you!
The pink mouth and the beaver collar -
Were the actors of amorous night.
Third was – Love.
Mouth smiled lightly and cheekily.
The collar boasted of beaver fur.
Silently waited Love.
You sit in armchair, full of laziness.
I will stand nearby on my knees,
Without any further orders.
From sleepy armchairs you will hang the arm.
I will raise her without a sound,
With a Chinese ring – an arm.
The ring with the chalk polished.
You're happy? I don't care!
Thus my love ordered.
Your mouth is perfect for kisses, so tender..
And this is it, I am totally like a beggar.
Who am I now? Alone? No, thousand!
A conqueror? No, a conquest!
If this be love - or if this be adoring,
A pen's caprice - or else an axiom,
If this be torment for the angels' home -
Or little bit of pretense - by the calling.
Sadness of soul, charming of eyes, or
The script of pen - is not it all the same,
How and until these lips will claim
Your mouth, perfect for kisses, so tender.
“Kiss the daughter!”
And it's all. How sparing!
To be unhappy – is stupid
That way, put a point in.
Would you have had a little
Boy, a single one -
I would tell:
“Kiss the son!”
It is a lot and little,
It is dark and it is simple.
One was most treacherous of all
Behind the evening – loyal wall.
To the humble white nun,
A lowered eyes’ pair.
You that were without tire,
Suddenly in the night calmed down.
Mortal arms and mortal lips
Blindly destroyed my eternity.
With eternal soul in parting -
Mortal lips and arms I sing.
Roar of divine eternity – wilder.
Only at times, in morning hour -
Mysterious voice from the dark skies: recall,
Woman, the immortal soul!
We did not kiss – venerated.
We did not speak – we breathed.
Maybe you on did not leave on the earth, maybe -
Only a raincoat on the chair at ease.
Maybe – long ago under flat stone
At tender age you calmed down.
I felt myself with wax from
The roses: little deceased one.
Put the hand on the heart – it's not beating,
All without happiness or woe!
Thus it was – what is called from the people -
Loving rendezvous in the world!
My friends! The holy trinity!
Dearer than home!
My friends in Soviet – Jacobin -
Maratova’s Moscow!
Beginning with you, passionate Antakolsky,
Lover of Muse cold,
Remembering that panna Polsky
By the name I call.
And this – guilty is cold of brothers,
And a network of hindrances other!
And this Zavadsky that we recall!
Most memorable of all.
And, in the end – hero among actors -
Being from the word
All in the name forgotten – Alexeyev!
Forgotten and his own!
And, exercising in a craft from long ago
To hide you, like a black diamond,
I listen to you with tenderness and woe,
Like ancient Seville – and George Zand.
In ears two whistles: silks and blizzards!
Beats the soul – and breathes blood.
We received what we had wanted:
You – my delight – till the snowy bed,
I – your mortal love.
Treacherous is champagne,
All pour and sing!
Without pink chains
In dark grave you'll sleep!
To me you're not groom, not husband
In fog is covered your head…
And I am there eternally -
Let love the novel’s hero be!
Bored after the revelry.
And how do I have fun – don't see!
You are a mister, I – a mistress,
And the main – like you, like me!
Don’t be fooled! You yourself know
About evil cold in the throat,
That I was for your lips
But empty foam from Champagne Hills!
There are the golden revelries.
And this my revelry is justified:
Champagne of the lover's lie -
Without truth of love’s molasses!
The sun steps for all cities and is one.
The sun is mine. I give it to none.
Not for hour, not for ray, not for glance – never, to nobody!
May die out in permanent night the cities!
I'll catch in my hands! That it dared not turn around!
That I'll burn your arms, and lips, and heart!
Falls into eternal night – I will follow the traces... My sun!
I will not give it away to anyone!
May be well the ace of spades!
May be well the whole unity
Of treachery and vanity!
On dark bridges of dates,
Love along all street lamps!
The lying blood of mine
I sing – in treacherous veins.
To all the dear treacherous ones
I drink toward future friends.
Be well the comedian!
Be well the red bow
In my joyful hairdo!
Be well the school children,
That more than us will grow!
And, on the edge of youth,
Under the dried-up figs -
For all the fateful lovers
You coming ones – I drink!
Devil himself has to me been kind!
While I am at midnight
Flattered to the lips, red -
Thus poured the red blood.
While the legion of giants
Thinned out on the Don's sand,
I with the gang of comedians
Near plagued Moscow fraternized.
The edge of treachery – lithe.
Oh, how many of them I called
…....... my smiles
…....... my poems.
That conscience don't burn under shawl
The devil himself gave no aid.
Not morning, not day – all the while
A crazy, plague-ridden night.
And only, in the fog, at times
Bowing like river cane,
The angel wept over the woman,
Of the fact that she forgot the face.

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: Marina Tsvetayeva

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Himna za zurke broj 1

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

[Strofa 1]
Dakle, pitas se da li je vec otisla ili ne
Kozna jakna, kragna iskocila kao Kantona
Nikad ne znajuci kada da prestanem
Naocare za sunce u zatvorenom prostoru, naravno
Svetla u podovima i znoj na zidovima
Kavezi i stubovi

Prekini potragu za svojom dusom ili je ponovo stavi na cekanje
Ona ima lukav dim u zatvorenom prostoru
A ljude koji ovo vode ona naziva svojim najstarijim prijateljima
Pijuckajuci pice i smejuci se izmisljenim salama
Posto su svi signali poslati, njene oci te pozivaju da pridjes
I izgleda kao da su te knedle u grlu
To sto si upravo progutao te je pokrenulo

Hajde, hajde, hajde
Hajde, hajde, hajde
Himna za zurke broj jedan

[Strofa 2]
Ona je sertifikovani duhovnjak, znajuci dobro da ja ne znam
Mozda sugerise da postoji mesto odakle je mozda poznajes
Samo da se lopta otkotrlja
Pijani monolozi, zbunjeni jer
Nije da se zaljubljujem, samo želim da mi ne učiniš ništa dobro
I izgledas kao da bi mogao

[Refren x2]

Pogled ljubavi - navala krvi
'Ona je sa mnom' - galski sleže ramenima
Zatvarači - kamera plus
Crno-belo - izbegavanje boja
Devojke za dobar provod - kabine
Kuća zabave - himna za zurke broj jedan

Hajde, hajde, hajde
Pre nego što trenutak prođe
Himna za zurke broj jedan

Holivudska beba

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

O čemu ti plačeš, bebo
Si se ulenjila
Čisto plavo nebo ali kasne sve naplate
Si primila platu? Imali smo aranžmane
Nećemo da gledamo vesti, samo čitamo izjave
Hoćeš li se zabavljati? Barbika sa Malibua
Hoćeš li spakovati te stvari kad sve počne da se ruši?
Hoćeš li se zabavljati? Barbika sa Malibua
Hoćeš li spakovati te stvari kad sve počne da se ruši?

Iskaljuj bes, koga boli kurac
Najbolje je ako to prevaziđeš

Mala, sićušna holivudska beba
Potpuno novi Mercedes
Bio sam kod kuće i ludim
Oh-oh, oh woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-woah-oh
Oh-oh, oh woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-woah-oh

Jel ti gledaš niz planine?
O čemu ti sad cmidriš, cmidriš, cmidriš?
Da li popuštaš pod pritiskom
Sve se ruši, ruši, ruši

Iskaljuj bes, koga boli kurac
Najbolje je ako to prevaziđeš

Mala, sićušna holivudska beba
Potpuno novi Mercedes
Bio sam kod kuće i ludim
Oh-oh, oh woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-woah-oh
Oh-oh, oh woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-woah-oh

Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Nikada nećeš uspeti u Holivudu, bebo
Mala, sićušna holivudska beba
Potpuno novi Mercedes
Bio sam kod kuće i ludim
Oh-oh, oh woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-woah-oh
Oh-oh, oh woah-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-woah-oh

Dobro jutro, tugo

Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)

Dobro jutro, tugo!

Nisam poznavao laskanja ljubavi,
pesme o ljubavi, otrove ljubavi.
Kada je u jednom poljupcu tražila srce,
dala mi je srce, izgubio sam srce.
Od tada, koliko su joj samo
ove oči poklonile zlatnika,
od tada!

Dobro jutro, tugo,
prijateljice moje melanholije,
znaš put,
danas ćemo opet biti u društvu!

Dobro jutro, tugo,
vratimo se tamo gde sam te jednog dana sreo
i rekao za nju:
„Još me voli.“ I pogrešio sam!

žuti listovi svuda oko mene,
šapat platana: „Gde je?“
videći me s tobom.

Dobro jutro, tugo,
prijateljice moje melanholije!

Game Of Life

A vision through the lens, the universe unfolds
I’m in a wonderland aya
My ticket in hand, day or night don’t matter
It’s a paradise anytime

Hundreds of advanced machineries
Frantic, flashing in full swing Aya
Scanning, we take our strides
A desire to get to the bottom of it

We can't hold it back...
There’s no way to say sorry
Let em cut the line, jump the queue
If they thrust in force
Chased for life
Ohhh ohhh...
Eyy... and lemme tell ya

Game On!
Everybody, game on!
I know no rules
I don’t care what you think the thrill is all mine
I wander dusk till dawn
Get dirty, get dirty, get dirty

Every, everybody up, stay down
Everybody gonna stay high
And everybody up, stay down
Everybody come on come and get some

Yeah everybody up, and get your hands in the air
Wave em all around like you just don’t care
Got the Brodie on the track and a rolly in the back
Homie know me as the guy who sees a beat and gon attack

(Hold up)

Get dirty, get dirty, get dirty
Bouncy like the Hooper that be busting out the sturdy
It’s the game of life y’all no need to get wordy
AK and JC we make em worry (for real)

We can't hold it back...
There's no way to say sorry
I ride it my way like a rollercoaster
Be my own master let the joy pour over
Ohhh ohhh...
Eyy, and let me tell you

Game On!
Everybody, game on!
I know no rules
I don’t care what you think the thrill is all mine
We in our own zones slayin’
Get dirty, get dirty, get dirty

My homies a bunch, I don’t mind the waiting time
Let it be, whatsoever
I had my fun, my fun is real
Ain’t no lies about it

I’m abouta get!
I’m abouta get!

I’m abouta get dirty... Yea yea
I’m abouta get dirty... Yea yea

It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It is the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
(It’s abouta get dirty, get dirty)

It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It’s the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
It is the game of my life... yeah yeah yeah
(It’s abouta get dirty, get dirty)